Saturday, 6 June 2009

Mars in Taurus - The eunuch

Even though in modern astrology we don't believe that there are any debilitated placements for any planet, Mars in a Venus sign is like a fish out of the water. In Taurus, Mars falls under Venus's spell and relinquishes all its' power to the goddess of beauty. He is like an army general who, instead of planning the next battle, wastes his time making love to his mistress, to the dismay of his loyal soldiers who once looked up to him. Taurus comes after Aries in the zodiacal order of signs and signals a time for a cease-fire in order for everyone to enjoy all the little pleasures life has to offer.
But Mars isn't like that at all. Mars constantly wants to have something to conquer and once mission is accomplished, he moves on to the next target. Life needs to be full of excitement, otherwise what's the point? Only if you achieve something that you are proud of, can you honestly say that your life's been worthwhile. As a result, you can never relax, you cannot slow down, because it's highly likely you are going to miss something important, a new opportunity waiting for you to grab it.
For all of us, this is not a time to start anew. Instead, the universe is telling us to take things slowly and enjoy the fruits of the efforts we made when Mars was in Aries. Mars in Taurus has a wonderful sexual reputation and men with this placement are considered to be excellent lovers. This is because this Mars has an instinctual knowledge of a woman's body, but, after a while women tend to get bored because, unless there are other chart factors who say otherwise, men with Mars in Taurus very often lack the incentive to fight for their place in the world and they are usually passive, taking things as they come.
Scorpio ascendants, especially now that Venus has also entered Taurus, are going to feel a need to settle down in a peaceful manner. No more grand passions, no more tormented souls, no more grabbing each other's throats, no more pouring your heart out in order to feel sexually aroused and no more all that ghastliness they call love. They will probably want to find a person they can just relax and have a good time with and get a glimpse of what other people call normality. Of course, they may tire of it eventually, but isn't it nice to have a break once in a while?


  1. Mars in Taurus for me too! Great article! Thanks again!

  2. This was good :) It made my day!

  3. I read a couple of your articles and I find them very insightful. My natal Venus is in Scorpio, I am female, and my boyfriend's Mars is in Libra. I think that's the best that can happen to debilitated gender-specific planets. Mars in detriment is afraid to push forward and Venus in detriment is afraid to just sit still. So Venus in detriment goes 'let's have sex' and Mars in detriment goes 'ok.' While Mars in detriment is very delicate and sensual, it certainly lacks passion. My ex had Mars in Aries, passion was more than enough, delicacy was completely out of the window. I've noticed I attract men with deblitated Mars more (in Cancer inclusive), I suppose they feel I'm the kind of person that goes after what she wants so you just have to make your presence known (Venus' way of attraction). And it works. I can remain aggressive and they can remain passive, no one's hurt. In modern society, we're slowly but steadily moving towards androgynity so the people with debilitated Mars and Venus would be the trailblazers there. And, well, the people with strong Mars and Venus will always find us weird.

  4. Sorry, I have mars in taurus and disagree. It's not that he doesn't fight for his place in the world, he just wants to make sure the effort is worth it. If it's something mars in taurus is passionate about and wants badly, nothing will stop him or her.

  5. I agree. I will rip someone limb from limb of they threaten anything that I perceive to be mine. I am passive until threatened.
